
We offer solutions based on the costs, needs and preferences of businesses with the best possible conditions. Choose the service that suits you best.



Electricity trading amount


Fixed price

For businesses who need to have planned electricity expenses and predictable long-term costs.


  1. 01

    Fixed price throughout the entire duration of the contract

  2. 02

    Long-term stability and security

  3. 03

    Not affected by seasonality or price fluctuations on the exchange

  4. 04

    Easy planning of long-term costs

  5. 05

    Fix the price for a period from 3 to 60 months

Variable price

Electricity at the current price of the Nord Pool exchange which follows the market changes. For businesses that are able to adapt their consumption behaviour depending on the market situation – consume less when the price is high and more when the price is low.


  1. 01

    Electricity at an hourly exchange price

  2. 02

    A savings opportunity for flexible consumers

  3. 03

    Fix future prices at the moment they decline

  4. 04

    No premature contract termination fee

Fixed amount

For businesses with a predictable and very steady consumption, at least 1 MWh per hour.
A fixed amount of electricity or the base amount price when purchasing a certain amount of electricity.


  1. 01

    Suited for businesses with steady consumption

  2. 02

    Planned costs for a fixed amount of electricity

  3. 03

    Payment according to the fixed hourly rate

Green energy

Green energy is produced from 100% renewable energy resources, reducing the environmental impact of the business. Select a price plan that best meets the electricity consumption behaviour and needs of the company.


  1. 01

    Environmentally friendly electricity

  2. 02

    Fixed or variable price solutions

  3. 03

    Eco-labelling that can be used for marketing purposes

  4. 04

    Certificate of origin by the AS "Augstsprieguma tikls" (AST) certifying that the purchased electricity is environmentally friendly

Trade of guarantees of origin

Trade of guarantees of origin proving that the electricity has been produced from renewable energy resources. We also work with electricity suppliers.


  1. 01

    Receive the required number of guarantees

  2. 02

    Sell surplus guarantees

Balancing and open supply

A consumption portfolio management service for businesses with a high proportion of energy costs and who prioritise long-term price stability. The option to fix a part of consumption amounts with time to be able to take advantage of a lower electricity price while not being completely dependent on price fluctuations.


  1. 01

    Industry know-how

  2. 02

    Surplus and shortage balancing

  3. 03

    Balancing costs per consumed MWh

  4. 04

    Predictable electricity costs in the long term

For electricity producers

Customised cooperation models for electricity producers. Choose the most profitable cooperation model to receive the maximum price for the produced electricity. The choice of selling the produced electricity at a fixed or hourly Nord Pool exchange rate.


  1. 01

    Electricity price forecasts for different periods, the option to fix the price

  2. 02

    Adjustments of previously approved plans if increased or decreased production capacity is required at some period

  3. 03

    Access to day-ahead and intraday electric energy market

  4. 04

    The ability to quickly respond to market changes

We offer tailor-made solutions that are designed to meet your business interests and needs.